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Autor: Amelie Myers

I am Amelie and I love London. I love exploring it but also lite to share my experiences and opinion so I decided to write in this blog and to show you how you can experience the best of London...sometimes the worst too!!! Have fun reading and get involved too! Comment, like, share, dislike, criticise! Thank you for giving me some of your time today.

Posts by Amelie Myers:

    London Shows Saving up Tips

    Saving Tips for London Tourists – Save up on Shows

    Many tourists love London’s streets, pubs, galleries, museums, even our shops! But, personally, I’ve noticed that the biggest love of London’s visitors, an sometimes locals, are the shows – the capital’s musicals are renown all over the world, people travel thousands of...
    Flying to London - Saving Tips

    Saving Tips for London Tourists – Flying to London

    We know how all of you are focused on spending less than the cost of your apartment when you are staying in London because of the, frankly, insane prices the capital is notorious for. But as we have offered many saving tips in our posts aimed at your stay in London, I want to...
    National Portrait Gallery London

    The National Portrait Gallery

    As if The National Gallery in London was not quite enough with all its mighty interior and various displays, there is a special part of it which I like to call ‘the cherry on top’ – The National Portrait Gallery. More than a hundred years ago, after a relatively long period of...
    National Gallery London

    The National Gallery London

    Center of London. The peak of the city hustle and bustle: crowds of tourists, excited couples visiting, lucky locals to have their day off wandering around the city, even businessmen passing in a hurry for a meeting at a fancy restaurant. This is only the background scene before...
    The Buckingham Palace London

    The Buckingham Palace

    One of the most magnificent buildings ever designed in the UK and in the world, too; a monument displayed in the heart of England portraying pure national pride, hundreds of square feet with hundreds of rich history behind their walls, housing the royal family and each prominent...
    Big Ben - London's Prime Landmark

    Big Ben – London’s Prime Landmark

    Every trip must be marked by the most emblematic things to be done and seen at the place you’re travelling to. You must eat some pasta in Italy, drink a lot of vodka in Russia and take a photo with the Eiffel Tower in Paris! If you disobey those rules, it’s almost as if you’ve...
    The British Museum London

    The British Museum

    Although nowadays London offers countless ‘modern’ attractions such as gigs, theaters, cinemas, luxury bars and restaurants  and emblematic tours to sights such as the London Eye, many many tourists still come here for the rich historical heritage that has established...
    London Eye

    The London Eye

    All over the world London’s emblematic attractions and sights are well-known. You can probably spot and recognize a few theme places or sights from the capital if you saw them from a hundred meters even without ever having been to London! One such attraction is The London...
    Madame Tussauds London

    Madame Tussauds London

    One of the most well-known tourist attractions all over the world, not exclusively in London, is the famous chain of Madame Tussauds museums of wax sculptures. If you haven’t been to one yet, you have surely seen your friends’ photos posing next to what seems to be a...
    London Bridge

    London Attraction Offers

    A vacation spent in London is a dream for, well, the majority of Earth’s generation (and I don’t mean to sound haughty at all). Unfortunately, not that many people can or necessarily want to spend a small fortune on London’s attractions, venues and bars – they...